Katharine Sexson

Katharine Sexson

Total tv expert. Extreme beer trailblazer. Passionate tv trailblazer. Bacon advocate. General social media aficionado.

42 Posts Written
Calculating Moving Expenses: A Comprehensive Guide

Calculating Moving Expenses: A Comprehensive Guide

Relocating to a new home can be an exciting yet daunting experience. To make the process smoother, it's important to...

What is the least popular month to move?

What is the least popular month to move?

The best time to move depends on your location, the weather, your family, and your schedule; however, the general rule is ...

When is the Best Day to Hire Movers?

When is the Best Day to Hire Movers?

When it comes to hiring moving companies, by far, the best day of the week is Friday. This is because on Friday you have...

Are Moving Costs Going Down? An Expert's Perspective

Are Moving Costs Going Down? An Expert's Perspective

The cost of moving is expected to decrease this year, but the inflation of consumer goods and the supply chain coming to...

When is the Best Time to Move?

When is the Best Time to Move?

The best time to move depends on a variety of factors, such as location, weather, family, and schedule. Generally...

Why is Long Distance Moving So Expensive?

Why is Long Distance Moving So Expensive?

It's essential to get quotes from multiple moving companies and compare prices to make sure you get the best deal....

How Much Do Moving Companies Charge Per Hour?

How Much Do Moving Companies Charge Per Hour?

As an expert in the moving industry, I am often asked about the cost of hiring a professional moving company. One of the...

How Much Do Professional Movers Charge Per Hour?

How Much Do Professional Movers Charge Per Hour?

When it comes to moving, there are a variety of options available to you. You can rent a portable moving container, hire...

When is the Best Time to Hire a Moving Company?

When is the Best Time to Hire a Moving Company?

The answer to this question is that it's usually cheaper to move on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday from Monday ...

What is a Reasonable Amount for Moving Expenses?

What is a Reasonable Amount for Moving Expenses?

Moving to a new home can be an exciting and stressful experience. Along with the excitement of starting a new chapter in...

When is the Best Time to Move and Save Money?

When is the Best Time to Move and Save Money?

Scheduling your move from late September to April will save you the most money. This period of time avoids the peak...

When is the Best Time to Move? A Guide to Finding the Cheapest Day of the Week

When is the Best Time to Move? A Guide to Finding the Cheapest Day of the Week

The short answer to this question is that it's cheaper to move on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday from Monday...

When is the Best Day to Hire Movers and Save Money?

When is the Best Day to Hire Movers and Save Money?

The answer to the question of when is the cheapest day to hire movers is simple: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. ...

The Best Day to Move: Tuesday is the Least Popular Moving Day

The Best Day to Move: Tuesday is the Least Popular Moving Day

Moving can be a stressful and expensive process, but there are ways to make it easier and more affordable. Most people...

When is the Best Time to Move and Save Money?

When is the Best Time to Move and Save Money?

If you're looking to save money on your move, the best time to do it is usually during weekdays, at the beginning of the...

What is the Average Cost of Movers in NJ?

What is the Average Cost of Movers in NJ?

When it comes to moving, it's important to remember that the cost of relocation services can vary greatly depending on a...

What is a Reasonable Moving Budget?

What is a Reasonable Moving Budget?

At a minimum, you'll need moving boxes and packing tape for your move. There are many other essential moving supplies...

What is the busiest day for movers?

What is the busiest day for movers?

Since most people are free on the weekends, moving companies sell out quickly. In general, you'll have to give more...

Is Moving on a Monday Cheaper?

Is Moving on a Monday Cheaper?

The best days of the week to move are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Most people plan their moves for the...

When is the Most Expensive Time to Move?

When is the Most Expensive Time to Move?

The most expensive months to move are the summer months, including June, July, and August. This is when moving companies...

When is the Best Time to Move: Beginning or End of the Month?

When is the Best Time to Move: Beginning or End of the Month?

Moving day can be a stressful experience, and it's important to plan ahead to make sure everything goes smoothly. The...

When is the Cheapest Time to Move?

When is the Cheapest Time to Move?

In general, the best time to move to a new home if you have a tight moving budget and are looking for the most affordable ...

Negotiating Prices with Moving Companies: How to Get the Best Deal

Negotiating Prices with Moving Companies: How to Get the Best Deal

Moving day is a stressful time, and it's important to make sure you get the best deal possible. Fortunately, many moving...

When is the Best Time to Move?

When is the Best Time to Move?

On average, more than 40 million people move each year in the United States. It is estimated that 80% of these moves...

When is the Best Time to Move and Save Money?

When is the Best Time to Move and Save Money?

If you want to save money on your move, scheduling it from late September to April is the best way to go. This period of...

Financially Preparing for a Move: Tips to Make Your Transition Easier

Financially Preparing for a Move: Tips to Make Your Transition Easier

Moving to a new place can be an exciting yet daunting experience. It's important to make sure you are financially...

How Much Should You Expect to Pay for Moving?

How Much Should You Expect to Pay for Moving?

When it comes to moving, there are a few factors that can affect the cost. Container companies for removals typically...

When is the Best Time to Move?

When is the Best Time to Move?

When it comes to moving, timing is everything. According to research, Fridays are the most popular day to move, with 41...

When is the Best Day to Move with a Moving Company?

When is the Best Day to Move with a Moving Company?

Weekdays, specifically Monday through Thursday, are generally the best days to move when it comes to hiring moving...

Why Moving Help is Expensive: An Expert's Perspective

Why Moving Help is Expensive: An Expert's Perspective

It's unlikely that you have the necessary equipment on hand to move items back and forth to a vehicle or simply thrown...

Why Do Professional Movers Cost So Much?

Why Do Professional Movers Cost So Much?

Several major moving services have suspended or dramatically reduced service to California. Other companies have simply...

What month is most expensive to move?

What month is most expensive to move?

The most expensive months to move are the summer months, including June, July, and August. These are the months when the...

When is the Best Day to Move House?

When is the Best Day to Move House?

Turns out, the best days to move house are between Monday and Thursday, even though Tuesdays are the least popular moving ...

The Best Days to Move House: Monday to Thursday

The Best Days to Move House: Monday to Thursday

When it comes to moving house, the best days to do so are Monday through Thursday. Moving companies like Allied Van Lines ...

Why is Moving So Expensive Right Now?

Why is Moving So Expensive Right Now?

Moving can be a costly endeavor, especially in the current climate. With the pandemic causing an increase in demand for...

When is the Best Time to Move?

When is the Best Time to Move?

When it comes to moving, timing is everything. Knowing when to move can make the difference between a smooth transition...

Why is Moving Company So Expensive?

Why is Moving Company So Expensive?

It's unlikely that you have the necessary equipment on hand to move items back and forth to a vehicle or simply thrown...

When is the Most Economical Time to Hire Movers?

When is the Most Economical Time to Hire Movers?

Most moving companies tend to offer lower rates on weekdays, specifically Monday through Thursday. This is because...

What is the Cheapest Day of the Month to Move?

What is the Cheapest Day of the Month to Move?

The short answer to this question is that the most cost-effective days to move are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or...

When is the Cheapest Day to Move?

When is the Cheapest Day to Move?

The short answer to this question is that the most cost-effective days to move are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or...