Is Moving on a Monday Cheaper?

Find out why moving on a Monday is cheaper and how you can get affordable moving rates by planning your move for a weekday.

Is Moving on a Monday Cheaper?

The best days of the week to move are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Most people plan their moves for the weekend, so it's likely that most moving companies will have the fewest bookings during the week. You can also get a better price if you avoid a weekend move. The short answer to this question is that the cheapest day to move is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Put simply, most moving companies offer better rates during the week because they're not as busy at the time.

However, when deciding if cheaper is better, you may want to stop and consider your options. Not only do the season, month and week make the difference in your moving costs, but one day a week can also reduce the cost. It also has to do with how busy moving companies are and, as we've learned so far, the less busy they are, the more affordable their services will be. Most people plan their move for the weekend simply because they don't work, making it easier to move. If you want to avoid high prices, choose to do so between Monday and Thursday, as those are the cheapest days to move.

The cheapest days of the week to move house are usually related to the demand for professional moving services. Fewer people hire moving companies and, therefore, their costs are lower. Therefore, if you're looking for an affordable move, it's best to plan it for a weekday. Moving from Monday to Thursday gives you the best chance of getting a better price for your move. It's also important to note that some moving companies lower their rates during certain dates or offer offers and incentives when demand is lower.

For example, moving in winter is usually cheaper but carries the risk of weather-related problems while moving in summer is more practical but costs more. And if you have the ability to be flexible with the date of the move, you may be able to get a cheaper rate if you decide to move at the right time. However, that doesn't mean that if you can move during the week you can't ask for a cheaper rate as people who move will want to stick to their schedule.

Katharine Sexson
Katharine Sexson

Total tv expert. Extreme beer trailblazer. Passionate tv trailblazer. Bacon advocate. General social media aficionado.

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