When is the Cheapest Day to Move?

Find out what's best and most economical for you when it comes to scheduling your house move. Learn about how demand affects prices and how weekday moves can save you money.

When is the Cheapest Day to Move?

The short answer to this question is that the most cost-effective days to move are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday from Monday to Friday. In general, the most affordable days of the week to move house are related to the demand for professional moving services. Fewer people hire moving companies and, therefore, their costs are lower. Therefore, the best days of the week to shop are Monday through Thursday.

Most people plan to move their house for the weekend when they're not working. Because they try to incorporate the last day of work into a 3-day weekend, moving companies have very busy Fridays. Do your best to stay one business day when determining the date of your move. As mentioned before, moving Monday through Thursday gives you the best chance of getting a better price for your move.

These days, you can choose the van or truck you're going to use. Most moving companies tend to offer lower rates on weekdays, specifically Monday through Thursday. This is because weekends tend to be in high demand due to the availability of people and their preference to move during non-working days. By scheduling your move on a business day, you may be able to get a lower rate with some companies. Not only do the season, month and week make the difference in your moving costs, but one day a week can also reduce the cost.

It also has to do with how busy moving companies are and, as we've learned so far, the less busy they are, the more affordable their services will be. Most people plan their move for the weekend simply because they don't work, making it easier to move. If you want to avoid high prices, choose to do so between Monday and Thursday, as those are the cheapest days to move. If you move at night or after hours, when there are fewer people, such as at night, find out what costs can be reduced during those periods, either before or after the move; this includes aspects such as the hourly mileage rate charged for transportation services for professional carriers. In view of this, it is strongly recommended to act prudently by planning the move well in advance and organizing it on the most economically profitable day of the week, ensuring optimal profitability of moving services. Some moving companies may offer discounts or special rates for moves scheduled on less popular days, saving money on moving expenses. However, since summer is the busiest time for moving, the period from May to September is the most expensive time of year to move, as most professional moving companies, including so-called affordable moving companies, are always busy.

In addition, in some states, such as California, moving companies are regulated by the state to charge “double driving time”.On the contrary, the busiest and most expensive time to move is when everyone else needs the services, that is, during the weekends, at the end of the month, and during the peak moving season which is from May to September. The best time to start moving is early in the morning so you'll have more time during the day and keep you cooler during peak moving season. Scheduling your move on a weekday can help save money while scheduling your move for a weekend may be more convenient. The cheapest time to move is usually on weekdays at the beginning of the month and during off-season from October to April. Be sure to contact your moving company well in advance so they can help you determine what's best and most economical for you.

Katharine Sexson
Katharine Sexson

Total tv expert. Extreme beer trailblazer. Passionate tv trailblazer. Bacon advocate. General social media aficionado.

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